
Showcase your product or service, get your shoppers to the checkout as effortlessly as possible and keep them coming back.

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Unlock online sales and drive business growth

User experience and design

A successful ecommerce website is easy to navigate and has a visually appealing design that showcases products and encourages visitors to make a purchase. By prioritising the user experience, you can increase the likelihood of converting website visitors into paying customers and boost your overall sales.

Functionality and performance

Your ecommerce website should be able to handle a high volume of traffic and transactions, and should have features such as a secure checkout process and fast page loading times.

SEO and marketing

In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for ecommerce businesses. One key way to achieve this is by optimising your website for search engines and implementing targeted marketing efforts such as social media advertising, email marketing, and paid search



The beauty of shopping online is that, if you want to, you can do it in your pants at 3am whilst eating marshmallows. As an ecommerce agency, we think you should have just as much flexibility when it comes to the design of your online store. That's why we offer a tailored, consultative approach that allows you to create a completely custom online shopping experience that reflects your brand and showcases your products in the best possible way.

Our team of experts uses techniques like in-depth analytics, user research, and enhanced user experience to increase conversion rates and drive sales. Plus, we don't just launch your store and walk away - we offer ongoing support through powerful, targeted digital marketing to help you continue growing your online revenue. Whether you want complete freedom in design or need guidance from our experts, we have the skills and experience to help you succeed in the ecommerce space.

Sales start with strategy

Sales start with strategy

Before we begin building your online store, we take the time to thoroughly understand your customers and the marketplace in which you operate. Our experts analyse data on your target audience's age, background, and online media habits, as well as buying trends, competitor activity, and upcoming innovations to give you a strong foundation for success.

With this deep understanding of your business and its customers, we can develop a strategic and impactful plan that meets (or even exceeds) your business objectives. We are committed to helping you stand out in a crowded marketplace, and we do this by thinking, questioning, and challenging every aspect of our approach until we arrive at the best possible solution for your unique needs.

Making your top shop

After all the research and planning, we’ll roll up our sleeves and get to work on what an ecommerce agency does best - building your online store. Making sure it shows off your product or service, that it can be easily refreshed with new merchandise or offers, and that it gets shoppers to the checkout as effortlessly as possible.

The customer is paramount, so we make sure the user journey is utterly seamless. It’s one of the key things that’ll keep people coming back. But what we do outside your site matters too. We can build up custom with any number of hard-hitting, highly targeted campaign tools – from Pay-Per-Click and email marketing to programmatic ads aimed at basket abandoners to get them to close the deal.

Talk to us about a free ecommerce consultation Get in touch

Creating a bespoke website with M3 is one of the most beneficial decisions our marketing department and business as a whole has made. We are better equipped to grow our business than ever before. M3 collaborated with us to create a new website that not only integrates with our way of working, but improves it.

Charlotte Whiteley Marketing Manager at Oxford Plastics

Ecommerce case studies

Frequently asked questions

The main types of ecommerce platforms include self-hosted platforms, hosted platforms, and marketplace platforms. Self-hosted platforms require the business to host and maintain the website themselves, while hosted platforms provide hosting and maintenance services. Marketplace platforms allow businesses to sell products on an already-established platform such as Amazon or eBay.

Key features of a successful ecommerce website include a visually appealing and user-friendly design, easy navigation and search capabilities, a secure checkout process, fast page loading times, and various payment options. has a team of experts who can help you make the decision based on factors such as the size and complexity of your business, your budget, the types of products or services you are selling, and your technical expertise.

To handle returns and refunds for an ecommerce business, it is important to have a clear and fair return policy in place, and to provide easy-to-follow instructions for customers to return items.

Effective customer service is crucial for an ecommerce business, and can include options such as live chat, phone support, email support, and social media customer service.

Client support